Wellness AI - Making businesses healthier
Our Solution
We understand that creating a safe university campus with help of sensors, data and technology will enable universities to bring back their students and drive education.
Provide supportive infrastructure, operational safeguarding by mapping and monitoring data, and dynamic dashboards for insights.
Employee Wellbeing
Ensure wellbeing by enabling employee safety and healthcare planning with insights on productivity and engagement.
Provide supportive infrastructure, operational safeguarding by mapping and monitoring data, and dynamic dashboards for insights.
Measuring Outcomes: Key Metrics
Key metrics
Analytics & Dashboards
Location 360
Insights into safety & exposure
metrics for each location
Employee 360
Insights into employee
wellbeing metrics
Safe4Biz Score
Risk score based AI
recommendation for operations
Insights into safety violations
powered by video stream analytics
Contact Tracing
Enables tracing all exposed
employees in case of infection
Measuring Outcomes
KPIs for Business Productivity & Employee Wellbeing
Location 360
Information based on date and location of all employees. Data based on daily health assessment is recorded and helps decide whether an employee is allowed/denied entry into company premises. Enables partners to understand location-wise risk factors.
Safe 2 Operate
Overall view of how safe it is to operate your business, keeping criteria like revenue, operations cost, employee sentiment, net promoter score, sick leaves, and
infections in mind
Employee 360
Number of employees in a company - total and at risk
(60+ years or pre-existing medical condition) - by
location, age, and building they work in.
Contact Tracing
Trace exposure of contacts via Bluetooth/wearable tracking. Exposure is defined as contact between two devices for more than three minutes. Reveals details of exposure of a device/employee with another employee with date and duration –needed in case of any at-risk symptoms.
Measuring Outcomes
Outcome of reopening phases based on six key factors: revenue, operations cost, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, sick leaves, and employees infected.